April 12, 2021


TPM #6 On stepping up as CEO of your business, unapologetically — with Brandy Mabra

Hosted by

Shelley Tonkin Smith
TPM #6 On stepping up as CEO of your business, unapologetically — with Brandy Mabra
The Playful Mompreneur
TPM #6 On stepping up as CEO of your business, unapologetically — with Brandy Mabra

Apr 12 2021 | 00:33:58


Show Notes

What does being a CEO mean to you? Managing a corporation of hundreds or thousands of employees? Super important board meetings? And the power suit — you’ve gotta have the power suit!

But in this new world of business, the definition of being a CEO has changed. And as a business owner, or aspiring business owner, you are a CEO — the power suit is optional!

And if you’re thinking: “I’m just a one-lady shop — I’m not a CEO,” then my guest on this week’s episode of the Playful Mompreneur Podcast, Business and Leadership Coach Brandy Mabra, would beg to disagree! Today, she’s going to tell us a bit more about why you absolutely can and MUST claim the title of CEO — unapologetically.

This lady totally OWNS her role as CEO of her business, Savvy Clover Coaching and Consulting and she equips her clients to show up unapologetically savvy and build their businesses to 6 or even 7-figures. And today, she’s going to be sharing how you too can step up into your role as CEO of your business — even if you’re just getting started.

What I loved about my interview with Brandy is that she’s brought all the good parts of the corporate world into running a small business. She’s ditched a lot of the stuffiness of business but used the structures and processes from her corporate life to create plenty of space for play in her own business today. Testament to this are her regular CEO Breaks and playing along with her basketball-obsessed family.

Connect with Brandy on Instagram @savvyclovercoaching  and at savvyclover.com.

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