May 03, 2021


TPM #9 How to turn your blog into a business — a blog monetisation lesson with Lynne Huysamen

Hosted by

Shelley Tonkin Smith
TPM #9 How to turn your blog into a business — a blog monetisation lesson with Lynne Huysamen
The Playful Mompreneur
TPM #9 How to turn your blog into a business — a blog monetisation lesson with Lynne Huysamen

May 03 2021 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

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What’s a topic that you could talk about for hours? Someone asks you a question about _____ and the next thing you know, you need a drink of water because you’ve been talking so much!

For Lynn Huysamen, that _____ could be filled in with: monetising a blog. (And, to be clear, it was in the best possible way — I’m not talking about regretting asking cousin Sally about her genealogy research or great uncle Pete about his shipbuilding in bottles!).

You can catch my full interview with Lynne in Episode 8 (the episode prior to this one), where she talks about her business journey and managing her time and energy as a mompreneur. But in this episode, she's giving us a blogging mini-lesson and sharing how she makes a full-time income through blogging and related services.

Lynne’s enthusiasm about monetising a blog was infectious and the strategies she shared will be very empowering for current bloggers, or moms who are considering blogging as a business.

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For full shownotes, go to

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