May 10, 2021


TPM#10 On simplifying, prioritising, and going with your (energetic) flow — my reflections on Lynne’s interview

Hosted by

Shelley Tonkin Smith
TPM#10 On simplifying, prioritising, and going with your (energetic) flow — my reflections on Lynne’s interview
The Playful Mompreneur
TPM#10 On simplifying, prioritising, and going with your (energetic) flow — my reflections on Lynne’s interview

May 10 2021 | 00:34:41


Show Notes

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OK Playful Mompreneurs, it’s time for us to rewrite the rules of business. I’m talking about the rules of big business and corporate institutions. I’m also talking about the hustle mentality of the startup world. And yes, I’m even talking about some of the rules within the small business and indie entrepreneur world that are simply not vibing with you and your mom-infused life.

Are you with me?

My interview with Lynne Huysamen (Episode #8) got me all fired up about how we as mom business owners have a unique opportunity to blaze a new trail. In fact, it’s a trend I’m starting to see with all the other mompreneurs I’ve interviewed so far for the Playful Mompreneur Podcast and my book.

Here are my five key takeaways from Lynne’s interview:

  1. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to simplify your business. In Lynne’s case, this meant pivoting her business from an online store to a blog.
  2. How can you prove your business concept in the simplest way possible? (You know I’m going to come back to MVP — Minimum Viable Product here, don’t you!). And on a deeper level: Your proof of (business) concept has nothing to do with proving yourself as a person or validating your self-worth. You don’t need to prove anything. You are awesome.
  3. What exactly is your energetic flow and why is it so important? Nature isn’t in production mode all year round and we don’t need to be either.
  4. Priorities over productivity. It’s one of the new rules for business that I’ve got queued up for a whole section of my upcoming book. For a long time, I’ve felt like I’m not a productive person because it’s very rare that I complete my to-do list for a day. But I’m realising the problem is not me, it’s what’s on the to-do list i.e. my priorities. That’s what needs fixing.
  5. You’ve got this! Sure, there are challenges along the business owner journey, but you are not only capable, but you’re in control of exactly how you want your business to run.

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