April 26, 2021


TPM#8 Playfully structured weeks and no-rules-weekends, with Lynne Huysamen

Hosted by

Shelley Tonkin Smith
TPM#8 Playfully structured weeks and no-rules-weekends, with Lynne Huysamen
The Playful Mompreneur
TPM#8 Playfully structured weeks and no-rules-weekends, with Lynne Huysamen

Apr 26 2021 | 00:43:41


Show Notes

Lynne Huysamen a mompreneur blogger. She has successfully turned her blog into a business that provides her with a full-time income by working weekday mornings only. In the afternoons, she’s in full mom-mode. And on the weekends, she goes into what she calls “sloth mode.”

For full shownotes and to join The Playful Mompreneur Club, go to: playfulmompreneur.com/#ep8

But here are some of the topics we cover in this episode:

  • Why Lynne decided to change her business model from an online store selling physical products to a blogging model.
  • The importance of self-care and nurturing yourself, particularly as a mompreneur.
  • How Lynne runs a pretty tight ship in her home during the week, but lets go of all the rules on the weekend.
  • How to know when to quit — or at least when to call it a day and go out for ice cream!
  • And lots of encouragement for your playful mompreneur journey — even when the going gets tough.

P.S. Tune in next week for a mini-lesson on how to monetise your blog. Lynne shared so much great information that I decided it deserved its own episode!

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Go to playfulmompreneur.com to sign up. I'll let you know when a new episode drops and share some bonus content with you too — like free resources and excerpts from my upcoming book.

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