April 19, 2021


TPM #7 On being bold and taking breaks for brainpower — my reflections on my interview with Brandy Mabra

Hosted by

Shelley Tonkin Smith
TPM #7 On being bold and taking breaks for brainpower — my reflections on my interview with Brandy Mabra
The Playful Mompreneur
TPM #7 On being bold and taking breaks for brainpower — my reflections on my interview with Brandy Mabra

Apr 19 2021 | 00:20:37


Show Notes

Being an entrepreneur, especially a mompreneur requires boldness. And last week’s guest, Brandy Mabra is a shining example of what it means to be bold in business and in life.

In this episode, I reflect on my interview with Brandy and how her boldness comes from a place of playfulness. Her confidence in stepping up as the CEO of her business also has a playful edge to it. And I love how she’s using the best parts of her corporate skill set to not only build a very healthy business of her own but also to teach and mentor other mompreneurs and female business owners.

Now when it comes to building a business and stepping into your role as CEO, the question of hiring invariably comes up. So in this episode, I add my thoughts to what Brandy shared about her hiring journey (hint: she hired early!).

I also chat a bit more about the importance of finding your people — something that both Brandy and I have been intentionally working on lately, and which I think is an ongoing project for all of us.

And the final point that I’ve highlighted is possibly the most important. It’s the most fun, but probably the one we don’t pay enough attention to, and that is: taking regular breaks away from work. Ideally, take a holiday or vacation for 4-7 days, but if that’s not possible, then plan a staycation at home, but do something out of the ordinary — your brain will thank you for the downtime and reward you with some great ideas and clarity.

Here the highlights of this episode:
03:01 Takeaway #1: Be bold and move forward with confidence — be unapologetically bold!
05:37 Takeaway #2: Bring the best parts of your previous (corporate) experience into your own business and ditch the rest.
06:54 Brandy’s 6 Pillars of Business Excellence
10:02 Takeaway #3: Ask for and accept help in your business and consider hiring
13:05 Takeaway #4: Find your people and be generous to them
23:33 Takeaway #5: Take regular “CEO Breaks” where you switch off from work completely — and make sure they’re in the schedule, way in advance

Connect with Brandy on Instagram @savvyclovercoaching  and at savvyclover.com.

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